We are Mathematicians!
Why is Maths important for pupils at Grampound Road?
We believe Maths provides children with a variety of skills and knowledge that can be applied across the curriculum and in their real lives. Our long-term aim is to deliver an ambitious, connected curriculum accessible to all pupils right through from Reception to the end of Year 6. Our curriculum is underpinned by White Rose Maths and it covers all the content of the National Curriculum. Our aim is for pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and to be able to reason and to solve problems using a variety of strategies. We want pupils to think like mathematicians.
How does studying Maths help young people to achieve?
We use concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies to support learners in maths. Our learners are introduced to a wide range of mathematical vocabulary, which enables them to articulate their understanding in a concise and logical manner both orally, and in written form. Our curriculum aims to equip learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to be successful in the next stage of their learning. We believe that all children are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.