We are delighted to share with you that we have received a 'Good' rating following our Ofsted inspection in June 2023 and in February 2024 we had very successful SIAMS church inspection.


We are Historians! 


Why is History important for pupils at Grampound Road? 

At Grampound Road, we want our children to have a broad awareness of the history of their locality, Britain and the world in order to enrich their understanding of their surroundings today. We want children to have a secure awareness of how placesand liveshave changed over time, within living memory and beyond living memory, and to be able to recognise the impact that this has on our modern-day society. Our intent is to deliver a history curriculum that helps children gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the history of Britain and the wider world so they recognise and understand the significance of the history of ancient civilisations and empires.  


At Grampound Road teachers plan sequential and progressive lessons which build upon the children’s prior learning and considers their future learning. Our history curriculum is progressive from EYFS to year six. Children begin in EYFS by learning history that is most recent and relevant to them so that they understand the concept of history before they learn about events further in the past. History lessons are planned through our termly topics with a focus on knowledge and skills. Our history lessons have a focus on vocabulary which ensures that all children are able to talk about history using the appropriate language. This is including on termly knowledge organisers so that children, parents and teachers are clear about their learning.

Our children will explore a variety of changes that have taken place over different periods of time and from different perspectives. They will explore how life was different for others, including their own family at KS1, and they will develop their enthusiasm for historical enquiry when exploring the lives of significant individuals from the past. We aim to plan and deliver a curriculum that celebrates their own history within our locality whilst also exploring the bigger picture of the United Kingdom and the world.

Teachers ensure children have a range of experiences, both in and out of the classroom, to broaden their historical knowledge. In class, children can access a range of historical sources and resources, including photos and fictional and non-fiction books that explore historical events and significant individuals. We also aim to enrich the children’s experiences through trips within the local area and create excitement through cross-curricular learning.

Teachers embed their history topic within their curriculum each term making links in Literacy and providing children with access to cross-curricular learning opportunities, deepening their understanding of history topics.


In EYFS, children develop their understanding of history through ELG 'Understanding the world' and as part of this they will learn about past and present. They will learn about the world around them, specifically their own family, community and they will comment on pictures and stories from the past and present. 


In KS1, children are taught:

Chronological events

  •         To put things in order that are significant to themselves and within a topic, using chronology to recognise changes in life, locally and nationally.
  •         Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally

Use of sources

  •         Children use different people and photographs to explore historical events and people and they offer their own personal opinion and facts with some reasoning.
  •         They will explore significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.

Historical Enquiry

  •         Children will ask questions relating to topics and think about: who/where/when/why?

Analyse and evaluate the impact of significant people/events in history

  •         Children will learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements


In KS2, children are taught:

Chronological events

  • Children will continue to develop a secure understanding of the chronology of significant events in British, local and world history
  • They will be able to recognise a narrative within and across periods of study.
  • Children will compare, contrast and connect trends over time and they will use historical terms to do this.

Use of sources

  • Children will be able to distinguish between fact and opinion and give reasons.
  • Children will use primary and secondary sources and understand the difference between them when exploring their reliability and validity in historical enquiry methods.

Historical Enquiry

  • Children will develop their own historical enquiry, devising questions within lessons and exploring the reasons for change, cause, similarities and differences and significance of historical events.

Analyse and evaluate the impact of significant people/events in history

  • Children will reflect on their knowledge within topics and construct informed responses to questions that draw on relevant historical information. Teachers aim to pose questions to children that are thought provoking and develop their individual sense of historical enquiry.



How does studying History help pupils to achieve? 

  • Our children will know more, remember more and understand more about history.  

  • They will be able to think critically about history and ask and answer questions.  

  • Our children will be able to share their historical knowledge and understanding using key vocabulary correctly.  

  • They will be inquisitive about the world and the history of our local area and Great Britain and have a greater sense of awareness of the past, how it has impacted the present and how it will shape their futures. 

  • Our children will have the opportunity to relish in and love learning about history underpinned by a reflective, positive attitude to historical events that equips them for the next stage of their education.