We are delighted to share with you that we have received a 'Good' rating following our Ofsted inspection in June 2023 and in February 2024 we had very successful SIAMS church inspection.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Sarah Kennedy


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Sarah Theobald

Teaching Assistant & Nurture Lead

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs April Scott

Safeguarding Governor

At Grampound Road School, we are committed to Safeguarding all the children in our school

Grampound Road School recognises that the safety and welfare of children is paramount and that we have a responsibility to protect children in all of our schools activities. We take all reasonable steps to ensure, through appropriate procedures and training, that all children, irrespective of sex, age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual identity or social status, are protected from abuse.

We will seek to:

  • Ensure that all children feel listened to and valued.
  • Create a safe and welcoming environment where children can develop their skills and confidence.
  • Support and encourage other groups and organisations to implement similar policies.
  • Recognise that safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone, not just those who work with children.
  • Ensure that we at all times demonstrate anti discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice throughout the school and with our parents, carers and all those we work with.
  • Treat all children with respect regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity.
  • Recognise the additional needs of children from minority ethnic groups and disabled children and the barriers they may face.
  • Carefully recruit and select all employees, contractors and volunteers.
  • Respond swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns about poor practice or suspected or actual child abuse.
  • Share information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately.
  • Maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ at all times.

When concerns of a Safeguarding or Child Protection nature are raised we will contact parents to discuss these. In some cases we will need to refer our concerns to the Multi Agency Referral Unit for further advice and possible assessment. As part of our duty of care, safeguarding records are held securely and confidentially within the school.

If you have any Safeguarding concerns please speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team, alternatively you can contact the Multi Agency Referral Unit if it is out of school hours or you wish to make your own referral.

Multi Agency Referral Uni3 North

3 North County Hall

Treyew Road



0300 1231 116



Useful Information websites

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Partnership




Useful Information for Parents
Site Safety
Keeping safe on the school site is vital to safeguard all of our children.
All staff will ensure they wear their labelled badges in the school building.
If you are visiting our school we will ask you to sign in and to wear a  visitors lanyard on while in our school.
We have a mobile-free school so we will ask you to leave your mobile phone in the office if you are to spend time in our classrooms.
The school gates are padlocked and appropriate staff supervision is in place to ensure safety while pupils are on site.
If you have any concerns about the safety of the site please speak with Miss Kennedy Headteacher.
Many thanks for helping us to keep our school site safe.