We are delighted to share with you that we have received a 'Good' rating following our Ofsted inspection in June 2023 and in February 2024 we had very successful SIAMS church inspection.

General Information

Gabrielle Westland


Sarah Theobald

Teaching Assistant & Nurture Lead

Sara Schofield

Parent Support Advisor


Grampound Road has an inclusive ethos and aims to ensure children’s entitlement to a broad, balance and relevant curriculum by setting suitable learning challenges, responding to children’s diverse learning needs and by overcoming potential barriers to learning. The school is aware of the fact that, vital to a child’s progress, is a healthy self-esteem and, to this end, a range of opportunities exist to develop personal and social skills, self- esteem and confidence. Tolerance and acceptance of others is an explicit aspect of the school ethos. All adults within the school respond to children’s diverse learning needs by considering that:
  • The children are motivated and able to concentrate
  • Teaching approaches provide equality of opportunity
  • Personal targets are set for learning
  • Appropriate approaches to assessment are used
  • The learning environment is appropriate

We are pro-active in our support of individuals through our behaviour management strategies, use of the TIS approach and professional development for staff. We actively promote positive learning habits - Resourcefulness, Reciprocal, Reflectiveness and Resilience in all aspects of school life and beyond in order to develop pupil’s life skills ensuring their readiness for the future. Our school values each and every individual child and family.

At Grampound Road , we recognise that every child is different and has their own individual needs.  We also recognise that these needs may change over time and that children may require additional support to help them reach their full potential.  This support may be needed in the short term, or may need sustaining over a longer period. 

SEND Staff

Ms Westland is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).  She has completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination. Ms Westland supports staff in identifying children who may need additional support through consultation with parents and other professionals, observation and assessment.  She then plans support for them with the class teacher and monitors their progress closely. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, you are welcome to make an appointment to discuss this with Ms Westland who works at Grampound road every Wednesday.  Please contact the school office on grd-secretary@rainbowacademy.org.uk

Miss Kennedy is our Trauma Informed Schools practitioner. She plans and ensures the delivery of a school wide approach to emotional and social support of children across all classes in the school, including the ongoing assessment of the emotional and social needs of all children.

 We run a nurture group for 2 afternoons a week which led by Mrs Theobald. The nurture group began in February 2020 with 6 pupils. We recognised that we had some children who had anxieties, low self-esteem and others who need support with their behaviour and others found social situations challenging. We visited St. Michael’s school in Helston and met Mrs Reynolds who has an established nurture group. Mrs Reynolds supported the start up of the group and she shared her  ideas with us. The children are taught how to manage feelings and strategies around social and emotional development. The children learn well in the group and they support each other. The peer support has been an important part of the group and we have noticed the children have increased self-esteem levels and they have enjoyed the sessions. The sessions are routine and predictable, the children are learning to understand the needs of others. They also have a sense of belonging to a group. After the sessions have ended, the children sometimes request to join top up sessions for a week or two, because they have recognised they need additional support.  Mrs Theobald completes  motional assessments at the start and end of the series of sessions to enable us to monitor progress.

  Assess Plan Do Review

 We follow the 'Assess Plan Do Review' cycle at Grampound Road, as outlined in the SEN Code of Practice.  All children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities have individual targets, recorded on a class provision map.  Parents and pupils (where appropriate) are invited to termly meetings to review their progress against these targets and will be involved with setting new targets for the term ahead.  Every pupil with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities also has an ‘all about me’ profile, a chance for them to share their feelings and to provide a summary for all staff working with them of their individual needs.

Policies and SEND Information Report (includes our school offer)

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, our SEND Information Report and our Equality Policy can be found on our 'Policies' page.

Further information about services available to children with SEND and their families can be found on the Cornwall Family Information Service website, please see the link below.  There is also a direct link to Cornwall's Local Offer, where you can find out exactly what services are available in Cornwall.

Further information on the Local Authority's Local Offer can be found via these two links: